Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Don't You Point That Drama Llama At Me!"

I hate drama. I know it's ironic since I like acting and all that, but I really just can't stand it. It's just petty. If you disagree with me or are upset with me, just tell me and I'll work on it. Don't sneak around behind my back and create angst. That being said, let us move on to the art of drama!

I watched the movie "Se7en" last night. It is very creepy, disturbing, and definitely rated R. Brad Pitt + Morgan Freeman = YES. The acting was superb and the production was great despite the age of the film and the fact that I was watching it on VHS. It's a gritty '90s look with just the subtlest hints of noir in it. And there's a couple other stars who appear as well: Gwyneth Paltrow & Kevin Spacey. I made the mistake of watching it all alone at late o' clock. It was even dark (which is strange for AK in the summer). It scared the crap out of me. I suggest it only for those who are okay with movies like "Silence of the Lambs" or "Pan's Labyrinth." It's pretty intense, but very good if you can handle it.

Another movie I recently watched was "Get Low." It's a drama about an old man who's going to die soon and is getting everything ready for his death, including a funeral party to be held before his death. It's set somewhere around the 1920s in the West and stars Robert Duvall, Bill Murray, and Sissy Spacek. It's pretty good, if not one of my preferred genres or favorite movies. I liked it.

I also watched "Braveheart" for the first time. It requires no review; it's that epic.

The weather has been lovely, and I've been driving around a lot in it. Nothin' like a drive on a sunny day while blasting "Bat Out of Hell." I wish goodness to you.

P.S. Castiel & the Trickster are the best characters ever. I <3 Supernatural

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Foghat Disciple

I've been taking kind of a slow ride lately; trying to get ready for college and working as much as possible and giving myself lots of free time to just enjoy what I've got and look forward to what's coming. I've watched some truly terrible movies recently, but it was worth it because I got to watch them with my brosef. They were hilarious. Among them were: "Critters," "Critters 2," "Critters 3," and "Leprechaun."

The first Critters movie was alright, but an obvious rip-off of the hit "Gremlins." I preferred the sequel, because it was all-out ridiculous and there was a red-head with a mullet. "Critters 3" was absolutely awful. Even Austin didn't like it, and he's no critic.
Now, "Leprechaun" was still pretty lame, but Warwick Davis (who also played Willow and pretty much every cool dwarf-person in Hollywood) is worth the lack of acceptable script/acting. Jennifer Aniston is also in it. I'm nit sure if this was her first movie, but it was when she was still a brunette (and before she learned how to act apparently).
To make it even better, all of those movies were made during the height of the Cheesy '80s.

Something I do recommend, though, is the TV series Supernatural. It's pretty awesome. Towards the end of the series, they take a few liberties with Christian Doctrine, but I think they do a good enough job of making it obvious that they're not serious about what they're saying about the Bible. It's a great show.

Anyway, I hope you are doing well, whoever and wherever you are. I love you, and wish the best for you. Live fully.
