Thursday, May 10, 2012

"LGBT: not Lettuce, Green Beans, and Tomatoes"

Okay, a lot of people are getting up in arms about President Obama voicing his support of legalized same-sex marriage. Most of the people that I encounter who are upset about this are Christians. Basically, according to the constitution, which secures Freedom of Religion in America, there is no legal reason that homosexuals should not be allowed to marry one another. The Christian community has no right to demand that people outside our belief system should follow our ideals.

Now, I don't agree with homosexuality, but it is no worse than any other sin. God will judge the homosexuals just as he will the proud, the conceited, the dishonest, and the cruel and cold-hearted. God will judge us not by our sins, but by whether or not we have accepted Jesus into our hearts. The manner in which many of my brothers and sisters in Christ target the LGBT community with calloused doctrine is disheartening to me. It is only with love, kindness, and gentleness that we can ever reach out to the lost. "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone." Jesus himself never confronted people with their sins, but with his love and a solution for their earthly plight. Jesus' highest commandment was to "love God with all you heart, soul, mind, and strength; and to love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus wants us to love one another. Let's leave the judging to God. Our focus should be saving the lost, not correcting them before they're a student. Judgement only drives people away, and we don't want anyone sentenced to Hell.

I'm not claiming to be better than anyone else. I struggle and fail daily, hourly, with sin. I am not perfect. The good things about me reflect God's glory, not my own. We all are gifted uniquely, and we are all flawed just as uniquely. But let us love one another as Jesus wanted, "for our war is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities of evil and spiritual forces of darkness in the heavenly realms." ~Ephesians 6:12

My love to you all,