Monday, September 27, 2010

And The Beat Goes On

Most of the time, routine is fantastic. I love simple. Don't get me wrong, I like complex things too, but only when they're in stories or movies, or art. If things are all crazy in a confusing way, I get weird. Especially if I see the solution, the way to make everything go back to at least Status Quo, but there's nothin that I myself can do to implement said solution. So, for now, I've added some little things to my routine. Things like remembering to be happy (not fake, cheesy, insincere happy. I mean joy that I choose on a daily basis), and taking each day all by itself. Today, for example, is my sick day. I am drinking tea, watching musicals and other films, and spending time with my dog. On the agenda for movies: Say Anything, Guys and Dolls, and Phantom of the Opera. Anyway, I hope everyone who's reading this is doing well, and I will try to be un-sick so that my posts might be a little less drab, and hopefully a bit enetertaining.
I Wish Jubilance Upon Thee,

P.S. "Give him this pen."

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hates It When Cliche's Are Actually True!!!

So... I hate the fact that "lack of communication" is actually the problem sometimes.
On a more entertaining note, I watched 2 movies in the past few days, both of which are worth my mentioning. They are (bum-bum-bum): Amadeus, and Suddenly. Let's go alphabetically, shall we?
Amadeus is a movie from the 80s, and it dramaticizes the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his supposed rival and ruiner, Antonio Salieri. I don't want to give anything away, because this is a movie that everyone should watch. The ending is still creeping me out.
Suddenly on the other hand, is a movie from 1954, and it contains Frank Sinatra. As with most older movies, it's rather short (75 min.) and had a pretty low budget. The main character is played by Sterling Hayden (a woman who nobody remembers), and she is the widow of an army man. So, she goes total pacifist, won't let her son play with cap guns, won't let herself move on even though it's been several years since her husband passed on, and has the most delicate constitution ever. She is always wrong. Ridiculous 50s propoganda. Frank Sinatra, however, did some of his best acting in this movie. He played a character OTHER than himself for a change! He was set as an insane assassin, and with the exception of the few times where he looked straight at the camera and made a dopey wide-eyed expression, he actually kind of creeped me out. And possibly my favorite part, was when Sterling's father was displaying his wound from when he was in the secret service. They didn't have the budget to make the scar look convincing, so they decided that they would just have the father turn away from the camera to show everyone. Huzzah for cheesy/corny/lame movies!
Anyway, I'll be posting again soon, so stay tuned.

P.S. The song Amadeus is also super awesome :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

B.J. Thomas, You're So Wise

Seriously, the raindrops will never stop falling on your head. And they always seem to get bigger as life progresses, too. But we can't focus on how wet our head is, just being happy we've got a coat, that we may get an umbrella soon, and that it's not hail. I'm aware that this is the wimpiest, shortest post ever, but I'm gonna go have some fun today.