Monday, August 30, 2010

Expect The Unexpected, & Other Paradoxes That Mean Absolutely Nothing

Sometimes, you just have no way to know. For example, why am I drinking coffee-flavored orange juice? If anyone can guess why, I will be seriously impressed. For most of us, though, we just have to deal with the fact that we don't know why, and we may never know why. We just have to do our best to get through, and stay optimistic (or pessimistic if you honestly prefer) about life. What we really have to examine is whether or not we can still love life, even though we don't know why Caty is drinking coffee-flavored orange juice?! Obviously, this is meant as an example for bigger problems (in case you hadn't caught on). But that is what's really important. If we are unable to understand a situation, can we still look at what matters most? If the worst possible explanantion turns out to be accurate, can we still love? Really, there are just so many situations where we CAN'T know, and can't control. But will we allow those things to get in the way of life? Nay, says I! There's nothing more precious than life, nothing more valauble than love. All in favor say aye! Yes, I mean YOU! Say it!
On a side note, never watch The Asylum version of "Sherlock Holmes." Poor acting, terrible scripting, sub-par effects, and mediochre camera techniques. The worst part, was that it was almost alright. Especially the script. I t had potential, but was sadly squandered in a badly thought-out movie that appears to have been directed by children. And now you know something new about me. I am a critic. I feel bad about it, because I love people and want to make them happy, but I truly call it like I see it when it comes to theatre or writing. Sorry if I offend you!!!

P.S. For those of you still wondering about the coffee-imbued orange juice, I will explain now. My old travel mug hasn't recently lost its sealing qualities, and is now a glorified cup. But as we all know, a vessel that has been used for coffee more than 5 times, is tainted forever by the cocoa goodness. It's very interesting. Try it if you're brave enough!



  1. Caty, I figured out the coffee-orange juice thing BEFORE you explained it, so I feel real smart. (btw, coffee flavored OJ sounds NASTY, even nastier than just coffee.)

    I really appreciated what you had to say here. It was one of those things where you already knew everything being told to you, but you needed to hear it again! thanks (I get you know who this is...)

  2. But you don't count, my dearest barbecue-queen. You know me far too well, and how my frugality (or laziness if you want to be demeaning) often gets in the way of what actually tastes good. It's not as bad as I though it would be!
    I'm glad you gleaned something. I love being able to "plumb the depths" whenever I want. Repetition yields consistency!

  3. AYE!!!

    you rock caty!! i didnt know why you were drinking orange flavored coffee... i figured you forgot to wash your cup (close eh?) or you had decided to try some new exotic flavor of cocoa lol

    keep em coming i really enjoy reading your posts!! :)
