Thursday, August 5, 2010

Reflexive Motion

Hello. My name is Caty. I also have a last name, but if you happen to be an internet stalker, I want your quest to last at least a little longer than one of my numerous pages floating in cyberspace. I will tell you right off, I never intended to create a blog. I think they are silly, actually. Additionally, I loathe typing. I'm one of those girls that loves nothing more than pen(cil) and paper. But today (literally TOday), my Youth Pastor more or less asked me to start one. For some reason, the idea has just been growing on me ever since 8:50 this morning (which I will have you know is a time I am not usually up during the summer). So, here I am. I don't really know what direction this whole thing is going in, but I do know that I will have fun with it, whether or not I have any followers!

Also, for those of you who are wondering, a scrabble is not a reference to the cheesy board game (though it is a favorite of mine). It is the joining of the two words "scrawl" and "scribble," which seems to accurately describe the way in which I write.

I bid you a fond farewell, and hope that your week is full of whatever it should be full of.



  1. Great start Caty! I'm very proud of you. God has given you the desire and talent to write. Therefore, you own to Him to offer your gift to the world. I and many others will be blessed by it. Can't wait for next week's post!

    Jeremy Norton

  2. Woah! I don't know if I'm ready for a weekly commitment yet! Haha, just kidding, Jere. Thanks for the encouragement, and I plan to write at least once a week, if not more.
