Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stars, Destroyed Cars, And Even Some Bruises & Scars!

Pretty good Thanksgiving break, methinks. I'm glad it stopped raining. As much as I like rain, it's really no good in the winter. At all. Learning up on winter driving is easier than I thought it would be, but still a little hard, especially when there are so many big trucks that insist on driving right behind your much smaller vehicle (namely, a 2000 Ford Taurus SE (yes, I'm in love with my car, just like Queen)), and it has basically the same effect as some dork sitting there with his brights on in your face. Yeah...
Anyway, the film to highlight this time is "The Expendables." The only reason I didn't like it as much as I thought I would is a pretty common phenomenon for me; people talked it up too much. I've found that the best way to get someone to say "that movie was AWESOME!" is by not saying as much yourself. Anyway, I was mainly disappointed with the really short amount of time that Willis and the Governator (yes, I'm intimidated by his name, so I'm not going to type it) were on screen. In trailers and such you are led to believe that they are major characters. This is NOT true. That being said, it was a fun little movie with plot optional. Everyone did a good job on the performing front (especially when you take into account what they're famous for (which is action, not acting)), especially Mickey Rourke. Sylvester Stallone did a nice job with this film, but I just want to say a few things about him that have very little to do with the movie. Sly, why do you want to look like Robert Downey Jr.? It looks like he is! I'm serious!!! Also, eat a donut, man. I can see your ribs.
I also watched "The Last Airbender." M. Night Shymalan... YOU'RE KILLIN' ME! The visuals were great, the effects weren't overpowering or distracting, the cinematography was good, and you were a great little actor yourself... but you shouldn't be a director. Why don't you produce movies instead?! Additionally, most of the actors, with the exception of a few, were terrible at emoting with any kind of smooth transition, and said their lines like they were speaking a foreign language and not something that the character would say. And the script made me want to cry. When I say that these things were awful, I really mean that they were painfully mediochre. Either be good or bad; nobody likes that nasty lukewarm stuff. Especially when compared to some his other movies (e.g. "Signs", "The Lady In The Water") it's very sad to see such a blase' piece of film. If you liked this movie, sorry for slamming it. I'm a critic, can't help it.
I'm hoping to see some really good movies in the near future (hopefully "Burlesque"). I'll let you know how they turn out.
Until Next Time,
A Critic

P.S. I just got a profile on IMDb, so that may be exacerbating the whole "critic" thing. But now I can look up any movie/actor/TV series anywhere! :)

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