Thursday, April 7, 2011

So Much Hiatus, So Little Rhyme

Hello dear blog-followers!

I apologize for my consistent lack of ability to post regularly. I realize that I haven't posted since about December. To me, it feels like Christmas was last week, and Spring still seems far off. However, I am wrong. It's April, and I'm just lousy at keeping track of time. The weather is about the same as it was in December though, and maybe that's why I'm having trouble believeing that it's really "spring."

I've gotten into obsessively organizing my music lately, and it's been eating my life. I have over 7 days worth of music, and that's not even counting all of the music that I want to add from my parents' collection (2 full CD books' worth). However, I have decided that every Wednesday, I AM GOING TO POST SOMETHING! If I fail to post, and didn't say I was going to be unable to ahead of time, please send me hate-mail. How often do you get to do that, eh?

Now, on to business. I haven't actually watched that many movies lately. I did watch some, though (how could I not?) Among the goodies were RED, Stardust, Paranormal Activity, and Megamind.

RED was everything that The Expendables wanted to be. They had a star-studded cast that featured everyone and didn't just have cameos of people who you thought were going to be leads (*cough* Arnold *cough*). Not only was it well-casted, but it was well-performed (nobody was just calling it in), well-produced (with copious amounts of explosions, and a lighting style that I just love), but it was also remarkably tasteful, which is something we rarely see in action movies anymore. It's based on a comic book series, and knows it. There's nothing too serious here, and the laws of physics are definitely bent a little bit sometimes. So long as you're not uncomfortable with a little blood and some awesome shoot-em-up/beat-em-up scenes, this is a great movie!

Stardust isn't actually that good, I admit. But I like it, and that counts for something. It's cheesy and extremely predictable, but has an innocent air and playful quality that I adore. How this is managed when the sub-plot involves brothers trying to kill each other off for the crown, I'm not really sure, but it is! And Robert DeNiro will make anyone laugh at his bit-part. I love this movie, and I now own it.

I'm not going to say much about Paranormal Activity other than if you let yourself be drawn into the story and just stop being a critic, it'll scare your pants off. I was genuinely impressed, even though my family heckled it the entire time I was watching it.

Finally, we come to Megamind. Will Ferrell, why couldn't you just let me hate you?! The strategy of using a famous comic actor as a cartoon's focal point began back with Jack Black and Kung Fu Panda. I'm not saying it never happened before this movie, I'm just saying that it never happened spectacularly well before this movie. I love Jack Black, so I knew that "Panda" was gonna be awesome. When I heard about Despicable Me, I was a little wary, because I'm not a big fan of Steve Carell. Correction, I wasn't a fan of Steve Carell. Now I think he's great! While I still don't really like Mr. Ferrell, I do respect him a little more now. The music is also awesome. Megamind was unique, lovable, and uplifting. I highly recommend it.

Cinema now aside, I was reading my Bible today and came across the end of Proverbs, and the literal Proverbial Woman. I struggled with the part where it says "she gets up before dawn to make breakfast for her family." I like my sleep.... A LOT. But this woman puts her comfort aside, and tends to her family foremost. Would I be willing to do this for my own husband and children someday? I hope so, I just might need to invest in some dtronger coffee. I start Ecclesiastes today, and from what I read in the foreword, it's going to be intense! And just what I've needed...

I hope that y'all are doing well, and I mean it about the hate-mail! Have a wonderful week!

Cordially Yours,

P.S. "You know the drill." "OH NO! NOT THE DRILL!!!"

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