Thursday, September 15, 2011

"The Unusual Suspects"

College is... not too shabby! I've made a few more friends, and am starting to feel like I actually live here. Saw some Alaskans this past weekend, which was awesome, went to NYC (AMAZING), and just generally had a decent week. But enough about me, what of my reviews that I know you're all just DYING to read?! Well, I've got a few, so don't worry.

A truly wonderful film that I watched was "The Usual Suspects." Kevin Spacey is the actor I want to be some day. He's so amazing! The plot twist was one I would normally catch, but he fooled me. I don't want to give anything away, so I can't really say much besides "watch the movie!"

Another goodie that I rewatched lately was "Julie & Julia." Frankly... it's a chick-flick (though I did get my brother to watch it and he enjoyed it!). It's very cute and creative. Amy Adams is one of my very favorite actresses. If you're looking for a lot of depth, look elsewhere. However, this flick has more to offer than some lame kiss-kiss movie. It's good. Watch it... if you like chick flicks, anyway.

I really can't think of any other movies right now. I've been too busy for them lately! Anyway, stay classy, have a great day.


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