Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Better Late Than Never..."

Well, I'm all settled in for college, I have some coffee beside me, and I just ate a pop-tart. The time is nigh for me to write some reviews! Honestly, though, I've watched so many movies over the past few weeks that I really can't review them all today. I WILL review "Oleanna" finally, though! And some other interesting theatre productions as well.

"Oleanna" is.... intense. Apparently this is a common characteristic for the works of playwright David Mamet. I'm going to review it objectively, and then personally.
"Oleanna: is a two-person play that takes place in a professor's office. The characters: a female college student, passionate about equal opportunity for women despite her somewhat unpolished study habits, and a professor who thinks rather loftily of himself as a result of his being ready for tenure. The student, Carol, is struggling with professor John's class, and has decided to meet with him privately in his office about a specific assignment, which she failed, and his her lack of understanding for his lectures in general (which, the audience can assume from his rather overdone prose, are in fact quite confusing). John is highly stressed because he is trying to buy a house for his wife and child, and his stress is exacerbated by Carol's lack of understanding.
There are three acts in the play, with three major themes.
Act 1- Men are callous and overbearing, women are weak, stupid. (Carol is in submission to John)
Act 2- Women are scheming and men are manipulative and brutish. (John and Carol are equal)
Act 3- Everyone is wrong. (John is in submission to Carol)
The use of role-reversal is brilliant and scripted perfectly. I don't want to spoil anything, so that's all I'll say. As for the performers, they were good. I couldn't find any major flaws in their acting, nor was I uncomfortable with them (except where intended by the playwright, of course).
Personally, I probably liked this play more than I normally would have because of who I viewed it with. I still wasn't a huge fan. I thought that the actors were a little too comfortable in their roles, and had lost the edge that I'm sure was present opening night. Don't get me wrong, they were good! They just started off a little bland for me (because I'm a super-critic, I'm sorry). Additionally, I'm not a fan of depressing, human-condition type plays.
All-in-all, the play was brilliant, if not "pleasurable" for me. It really is some good stuff.

Now, I was going to review "Truly, Madly, Deeply" next, but "Oleanna" kind of took it out of me. So I'll direct your attention to the fun little series that I watched over the course of two days. Ladies and gentleman, please give a hand to.... "Freaks & Geeks!"

"Freaks & Geeks" was a short-lived TV series set in 1980. The main protagonists were Lindsey (a junior in highschool who had just joined the Freaks after leaving the world of the Mathletes), and her younger brother (who was a borderline midget and definitely a member of the Geeks). It's a cute series that centers around the tough decisions between cool and morally right, in a way that is less.... lame than most "dilemma" shows. I recommend it highly. It's funny, and has some good tidbits about morality and how to survive some awkward years in your life.

Well, that's all for me tonight. I'll try to make it a habit to write more regularly. I know I've said that before, but I have a more definite schedule for my life right now, so it's more likely to become reality this time.
At any rate, I love you all, whoever you may be.

Fondest Wishes,

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