Sunday, May 5, 2013

Because I Can Restart This Blog Whenever I Durn Well Please!

So... It's been a while. A lot has happened. I don't know if I care to serenade you with that particular symphony, so all I'll say is that a lot has changed and I think it's for the best. I feel a tad awesomer, so there's that.

Things I'm into right now: David Bowayyyyy, Tim and Eric's Awesome Show Great Job!, Evangelion, The Smiths, and artichokes.

Things I've been up to: writing a play about the Great Depression, directing a play about video games, co-directing a play about Dissociative Identity Disorder, acting in two newly-written plays (penned by students) as well as "Into the Woods" by the crazed genius himself, and learning to knit all sorts of crazy things. And I also made myself a tumblr, 'cuz... why not?

Things you should leave this post with: the knowledge that you are super awesome and stuff, and that I make no promises about my posting frequency anymore (with good reason).

Much Love,

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