Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Hi, Ku!"

"Coming back from the beach house,
Worst insomnia
That I have felt in my life."

I've had really bad insomnia this last week, and I'm recently into writing haikus, so there ya go.

I watched three awesome movies this week that I think you've probably all seen, but I needed to catch up on. I watch Fight Club, Slumdog Millionaire, and Pulp Fiction. I think my favorite was Fight Club, possibly because I'm biased toward Edward Norton and Brad Pitt and movies that are incredibly self-aware. All three were pretty graphic films, but I feel like I grew as an artist by watching them.

In other news: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1-Oep9uNwM

That clip should improve your quality of life. I would write more things, but I'm scrambling to spend time with peeps before flying back to Alaska (and also to pack). So anyway, I love you all; have a great day.


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