Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"The Road Goes Ever On And On..."

When things end, I usually get really upset and cling to any memory of the event I can get my hands on... unless it's a relationship. Oddly enough, I feel strangely free at the end of all of my amorous connections. I just like being a lone wolf, going stag, flying solo if you will. I kind of have this theory that I love romance in movies and books so much be cause I'm destined to never live that way myself. And maybe I just need to be okay with that... Maybe I am? At any rate, I don't have a great track record, and I'm ready to take a long break from trying to leap those hurdles. I'm hoping it'll be a good opportunity to do some soul-searching and get closer to God again.

I've been getting farther and farther away from Him and I'm pretty sure that's why my life has been rather lackluster in the spirit & soul department lately. I need to fix it, so here's hoping.

Sorry to lay a ton of bricks on you, but it had to be done.

Have a better day than me,

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