Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Hi, Ku!"

"Coming back from the beach house,
Worst insomnia
That I have felt in my life."

I've had really bad insomnia this last week, and I'm recently into writing haikus, so there ya go.

I watched three awesome movies this week that I think you've probably all seen, but I needed to catch up on. I watch Fight Club, Slumdog Millionaire, and Pulp Fiction. I think my favorite was Fight Club, possibly because I'm biased toward Edward Norton and Brad Pitt and movies that are incredibly self-aware. All three were pretty graphic films, but I feel like I grew as an artist by watching them.

In other news: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1-Oep9uNwM

That clip should improve your quality of life. I would write more things, but I'm scrambling to spend time with peeps before flying back to Alaska (and also to pack). So anyway, I love you all; have a great day.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"The Road Goes Ever On And On..."

When things end, I usually get really upset and cling to any memory of the event I can get my hands on... unless it's a relationship. Oddly enough, I feel strangely free at the end of all of my amorous connections. I just like being a lone wolf, going stag, flying solo if you will. I kind of have this theory that I love romance in movies and books so much be cause I'm destined to never live that way myself. And maybe I just need to be okay with that... Maybe I am? At any rate, I don't have a great track record, and I'm ready to take a long break from trying to leap those hurdles. I'm hoping it'll be a good opportunity to do some soul-searching and get closer to God again.

I've been getting farther and farther away from Him and I'm pretty sure that's why my life has been rather lackluster in the spirit & soul department lately. I need to fix it, so here's hoping.

Sorry to lay a ton of bricks on you, but it had to be done.

Have a better day than me,

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mein Goodness, Three Posts In Three Days?!


I've been having trouble sleeping and stuff, and then I accidentally slept for 16 hours and now my brain is all funny and I'm just like WOAH.

In other news, you should check out the X-Files, because it rocks. Like a bunch.

I don't know why I decided this merited a post... I think I simply required some decompressing.

Much Love,

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Haiku and Some Free Verse With Your Insomnia?

Why does the desire to write
Always spring from pain?
At least it does in my life.

Longing, losing, loneliness, claustrophobia.
From where does this last condition arise?
The first three, all in a similar vein, all with a striking hollow sound, all with tall and solemn "L"s leading the way.
But the last of these, with a letter to match my name and a full and vibrant sting that you just love to hate, is assuredly the worst of all.

To desire with all of one's heart
So that all you can hear when he goes by is the throbbing of your own cardiovascular muscles
And how loud and annoying your own voice becomes.

To be empty.
Your arms and legs are voids that ache to be filled but cannot be,
Because he is gone.

To resign.
The heart is almost repaired; the sun feels so new on your face and you can almost taste it's golden beams,
But you know what you are missing.

To die a little
For every hug, every kiss you receive,
Knowing that you must sentence someone to turmoil.

Fuck this, I want to be the crazy cat lady (if my heart would just let me).

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Because I Can Restart This Blog Whenever I Durn Well Please!

So... It's been a while. A lot has happened. I don't know if I care to serenade you with that particular symphony, so all I'll say is that a lot has changed and I think it's for the best. I feel a tad awesomer, so there's that.

Things I'm into right now: David Bowayyyyy, Tim and Eric's Awesome Show Great Job!, Evangelion, The Smiths, and artichokes.

Things I've been up to: writing a play about the Great Depression, directing a play about video games, co-directing a play about Dissociative Identity Disorder, acting in two newly-written plays (penned by students) as well as "Into the Woods" by the crazed genius himself, and learning to knit all sorts of crazy things. And I also made myself a tumblr, 'cuz... why not?

Things you should leave this post with: the knowledge that you are super awesome and stuff, and that I make no promises about my posting frequency anymore (with good reason).

Much Love,