Monday, August 30, 2010

Expect The Unexpected, & Other Paradoxes That Mean Absolutely Nothing

Sometimes, you just have no way to know. For example, why am I drinking coffee-flavored orange juice? If anyone can guess why, I will be seriously impressed. For most of us, though, we just have to deal with the fact that we don't know why, and we may never know why. We just have to do our best to get through, and stay optimistic (or pessimistic if you honestly prefer) about life. What we really have to examine is whether or not we can still love life, even though we don't know why Caty is drinking coffee-flavored orange juice?! Obviously, this is meant as an example for bigger problems (in case you hadn't caught on). But that is what's really important. If we are unable to understand a situation, can we still look at what matters most? If the worst possible explanantion turns out to be accurate, can we still love? Really, there are just so many situations where we CAN'T know, and can't control. But will we allow those things to get in the way of life? Nay, says I! There's nothing more precious than life, nothing more valauble than love. All in favor say aye! Yes, I mean YOU! Say it!
On a side note, never watch The Asylum version of "Sherlock Holmes." Poor acting, terrible scripting, sub-par effects, and mediochre camera techniques. The worst part, was that it was almost alright. Especially the script. I t had potential, but was sadly squandered in a badly thought-out movie that appears to have been directed by children. And now you know something new about me. I am a critic. I feel bad about it, because I love people and want to make them happy, but I truly call it like I see it when it comes to theatre or writing. Sorry if I offend you!!!

P.S. For those of you still wondering about the coffee-imbued orange juice, I will explain now. My old travel mug hasn't recently lost its sealing qualities, and is now a glorified cup. But as we all know, a vessel that has been used for coffee more than 5 times, is tainted forever by the cocoa goodness. It's very interesting. Try it if you're brave enough!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Ben & Jerry's" Is A Lie!!!

Hullo, Readers. I just have to reiterate my title. "Ben & Jerry's" is a lie. At least, what they symbolize to women is a lie. Ice cream does not make you feel better when you are weeping. In fact, no food does. But it's truly better than the alternative in certain situations. If there are problem that you simply cannot solve, distract yourself. There's only so much psychoanalyzing you can do before you become a hunk of granite. The answer is simple, and yet.... FLIPPING HARD!!! However, it is better than sitting around dwelling, which will get you nothing and will probably make you feel worse. Sometimes, you don't WANT to smell the flowers of life, because it's hard enough to make sure you don't fall apart, it seems. Smell them anyway. I was struck this past week when I went over to my aunt's by a piece of ceramic. Well, not physically struck by it, they don't throw glass at family after all. It read these words: "I asked GOD for all things that I might enjoy Life. He gave me Life, that I might enjoy all things." Sometimes it's not easy to do that. Frankl;y, sometimes it's not really possible. But it's true. Life is good, and wonderful, and pure, and surprising. Not easy, but I think I can deal. After all, I've got the Creator of the universe on my side, right?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Here I Go (Against All I've Known)

An unfortunate thing about myself is that I'm not a fan of change. At all. When we moved the phone in my house, I was inwardly cranky about it for months, and I use the phone maybe once every week. So when I say that it's been a year of change, I want you to know how significant that is. The way I communicate with people, feel about them, and even think about them has changed. My emotions are shifting, become softer and sharper at the same time (I know, paradox). I get WEEPY. I HATE when I'm weepy! I feel like a middle-aged woman who watches chick-flicks and soap operas like a teenage boy eats food. Also, I'm having to deal with the fact that I'm leaving Alaska. I've always been so in love with everything about this place that the thought of leaving it is like losing a dear friend. The way it smells in the morning, or the crisp breeze rustles the leaves, or the rain splashes everything in the night, leaving dewdrop majesties on the plants during sunrise. And moose, and mountains, and porcupines, and wetlands, and ghetto roads that never get snow-plowed. I love it here. Really, the hardest thing isn't knowing that I need to leave it for college, because I know I'll visit back. The hardest thing is knowing that the way my life is going, I probably won't come back when I'm done with school. Which is good, because there are so many wonderful things to discover and live through. But it's still very hard. Especially when I can look outside right now, see the sun up even though it's 9 o' clock. There may be wonderful things in store for me, that will make leaving my home more than worth it, but Alaska will always be my home.

With Sincerity,

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Red Herring? Or Possibly Just Pinkish?

One thing that has always stimulated the minds of humans is a mystery. The desire for something new, and uncertain. It gives us the most inexplicable feeling of curiousity. Maybe I'm just crazy, but once I hear the beginning of a story, I MUST HEAR THE END!!! Even if it's something pointless like: who's dating who, what I'm wearing today, or any other annoying alerts you get from Twitter (which I boycot, by the by). What it comes down to, is people kind of like the unexpected. Just look at how many Investigation and P.I. novels and TV series there are! Monk, CSI, CSI Miami, Law & Order, Psych, The Mentalist, and even House are all asking the question "what is going on?" Whether it be Whodunnit, Howdeydoit, or Whatdeydone, you don't really know until the end of the show. Even if you are pretty sure you know what happened, you want to make sure you're right. We humans find joy in mystery, and challenge. If there is no conflict, the good things in our lives seem... lame. Even if we love those things, we just have no basis for comparison anymore. Needless to say, I can't wait for the musical season to start up so that I can start doing some work again. I feel so lazy :P.

Anywho, I'm gonna go and watch some Monk now.

Toodles! (He found his marbles)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pizza, Pretzels, & Other Foods Tainted By Godliness

I'm sure you could tell that I wasn't what one would call "happy" come last post. I'm here to tell you that I am now. Nothing makes me happy like free food, and nice people sitting around being nerdy, funny, or otherwise realxed in themselves. I've realized today that the way a person looks at you is so much more important than the words coming out of their mouth. I knew that over 70% communication was non-verbal, but I had never thought that I myself perceived things this way as well. Frankly, it is the little things that matter. And I hate typing that, because it's corny and horribly over-used. HOWEVER, that makes it no less true. They are what show a person's true character, whether it be good or bad.

The other topic I would like to discuss... well.... type about anyway, is the 1920s & 30s. What a wonderful time period. If you know me, you know that I don't like fashion. Really not at all. One could say It reserves a place in my heart betwixt kicking puppies and standardized science tests. But for some strange reason, that feeling is not applicable when talking about the Roaring Twenties! The tweed, the pearls, the strange Ziegfield Follie flower headresses, the Charleston, flapper dresses, the little-bitty sideways hats, the fringe... I could literally go on for days about the fashion that I like from the 20s. Also, MOVIES came out in the 20s!!! Cinema was born, and has been quickly evolving and adapting ever since. Though the movies that were shown back then mostly were terrible enough to make any theatre critic go Oedipus on their eyes and pour hydrochloric acid down their ears, it was still the beginning of something that would become a staple of American society.

Ahh, theatre, how I long for it! But it will be a few months yet before I will be back on stage :(.

Anywho, Ta-ta for now!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Taking A Step Back

Hokay. So. I am not one to halfway do an emotion. It's either a slight preference, or a deep passion whelling within me and bursting forth from me. For example: I like Fall Out Boy. I think they are a decent group with more than a bit of talent. However, I could get rid of their music if it really came down to it. I love the stage. Everything about it. It's not so much being in the spotlight, as a sense of home when I feel the cast moving together as a cohesive unit. If you couldn't tell, there is a significant difference between how I feel for Fall Out Boy, and the Stage Arts. This is a blessing..... and a curse. On one side, I have lots of peripheral interests that allow me to relate to nearly everyone, and a few passions that allow me to express myself and get excited. On the other hand, it sometimes causes me to be completely oblivious when I'm concerned about an acquaintance and feel like I'm being apathetic, or when someone I truly love shakes my confidence and my whole world seems to be coming apart at the seams because of something insignificant. What I've realized this weekend, is that I need to take a chill pill when the latter of these situations ocurrs. It is NOT that big of a deal. So whenever you see (or read) me stressing out, please just say (or type) "Caty, deal."

That being said, I'm here to cool off. And I think it's actually working. So let me tell you about something a bit more diverting. Actually, nevermind. This post is already far too long.

Thank you for reading, and sorry for ranting,

P.S. Something actually fun to do is read "Axe Cop," a comic written by a 5 year old and illustrated by his 29 year old brother. Find it, read it, love it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Reflexive Motion

Hello. My name is Caty. I also have a last name, but if you happen to be an internet stalker, I want your quest to last at least a little longer than one of my numerous pages floating in cyberspace. I will tell you right off, I never intended to create a blog. I think they are silly, actually. Additionally, I loathe typing. I'm one of those girls that loves nothing more than pen(cil) and paper. But today (literally TOday), my Youth Pastor more or less asked me to start one. For some reason, the idea has just been growing on me ever since 8:50 this morning (which I will have you know is a time I am not usually up during the summer). So, here I am. I don't really know what direction this whole thing is going in, but I do know that I will have fun with it, whether or not I have any followers!

Also, for those of you who are wondering, a scrabble is not a reference to the cheesy board game (though it is a favorite of mine). It is the joining of the two words "scrawl" and "scribble," which seems to accurately describe the way in which I write.

I bid you a fond farewell, and hope that your week is full of whatever it should be full of.
